Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Being Creative Again!

So, I've finally had the time to do some more candles!  Finally!  It feels so good to be able to create things, especially when you haven't done it for a while.  At least it was only a few weeks this time, not years as it has been in the past.  Tip:  Depression not only slows down your regular day to day activities but can also halt your creative outlet.  It's what I'm blaming anyway. :)  I'm feeling better, and it's obvious by how many things I'm creating.  Feels great to be better.  Do you suffer from depression?  It does get better!  Share your story if you like.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Things

I love when new things come into my life that are exciting!  I recently started writing again.  Haven't done that for a long time.  I haven't really done anything creative for years.  It feels good to get that side of me up and running again.  I guess when your creative juices start flowing, they just keep on going.  What new things have happened to you recently? I'd love to hear about them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Home Spas

At home spas are so great!  They're nice and relaxing, and much cheaper than going to a regular spa.  The only problem may be finding some quiet time.  If you have kids, why not speak with your husband or babysitter/friend about a night at home alone at least once a month.  If you have animals, try the same.  And, make sure to HAVE A SPA NIGHT! Don't let anything else interfere - like housework, errands, etc.  Treat yourself.  Look after your children's mother.  Hey, what's a couple hours in a month?  Think of it this way - in a thirty day month there are 720 hours.  Two hours for yourself is nothing compared to that!  Need some inspiration??  Check out my website, with candle designs specifically for such times that you want a spa break.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I don't think there is anything more satisfying than "creating" something.  No matter what that may be!  Some enjoy creating things with wood, others with pottery, others with clothe.  I like creating with wax.  What do you like to "create"?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Creations

One of the of the hardest things, I find, is coming up with new designs for my candles.  There is a limit to how much creativity one can have.  Do you craft?  Tell me your difficulties!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Love Crafting!

I absolutely love having crafting as a hobby.  As far as I'm concerned it's the best hobby there is.  Mostly because "crafting" can apply to just about anything.  You can be a crafter in so many different ways.  I love it!  If you have a different hobby, let me know what it is.  We can discuss which one is better. :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Wonders Of Wax!!

I love working with wax!  It is the most amazing stuff.  You can make it completely liquid and work with it that way.  You can make it solid, yet warm - and it is moldable to what you wish to make.  That is the most intriquing thing for me.  It has three stages - liquid, firm yet maleable, and hard.  The firm yet maleable is great!  You can mold this bit of wax into what you want.  Forget trying to do it when it's solid and hard, tho.  It will just break.  And you also have to get it at just the right temperature to mold it because to warm and it's still too much of a liquid.  Of course, too cold, and it's hard as rock and will only break.  There seems to be quite a science to it, which I love!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Be Interactive!

Hey all you candle lovers out there! I'd love to hear from you. Come be interactive with me. Participate in my poll! Just have fun. Hope to hear from you soon.


What do you love about candles?? We all use them either for everyday use, the at home spa feel, or we keep them around for emergencies. What do you use yours for? What I love about candles is that they light up, with a warm glow, the night, your wedding, a room, etc. Want romance? Candles are known for contributing to your romantic mood. Why not check out some of my candles?

A little about myself:

As I said, I design candles. I put butterflies, roses, etc. on my candles. I DO NOT USE MOLDS! At the bottom of this page you can see one of the taper candles I have done. In a way my candles enable a person to bring the outdoors in because of the "nature" items I design. They make beautiful works of art, and if you choose to burn them they're functional too! If you're interested, check out my website at www.WonderfullyElegant.etsy.com.

Have something cool you make? Tell me about it, and where I can find it (your website) so I can come check it out. Have a great day, talk to you soon.

Let me know what you craft!

To all you out there who love to craft:

Let me know what you craft, what you do. Do you do it full time, part time, or as a hobby? Do you go to craft shows? Do you sell it or just do it for yourself and family and friends?
I'd love to hear from you!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hello to all the crafters

Hey there all you crafters I don't know about you, but I love being a crafter. My medium is candles - what's yours? I love crafting candles for weddings, etc.
The smile and joy on people's faces is the reason I do it. The first wedding I ever did was my best friend's and it was so much fun and made the day so special.
From then on I was hooked.
What made you start? I look forward to hearing from you!