Sunday, August 7, 2011


There are only 8 days left to take advantage of my 50% off discount.  Don't miss out, act now!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Time's Running Out!

Only 17 days left to be able to participate in the 50% discount.  Hurry if you want to share in the savings!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Discount Now On!

The 50% discount is now available!  This is for one month only (until August 15) and only to blog followers.  To benefit from this discount go to:                or  under the "Shop Now" tab.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Remember the Discount!

Remember to mark your calendar for the 50% discount.  It starts in 3 days!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to redeem the 50% discount on Etsy

Select the item(s) you would like to buy with this 50% blog discount at  Click the "Checkout" button.  Choose the "Other" payment option.  In the message to seller section type in the code word blog50.  I will send you a "conversation" to confirm your order then a revised paypal receipt.  Thanks!

Offer only valid/redeemable at

Sunday, July 3, 2011

50% OFF!

From July 15 to August 15 I will be providing 50% OFF to all my blog followers.  If you want your friends to join in this deal, let them know about this blog as again this is only available to blog followers.  After August 15 I may be providing this same discount to all my facebook followers.  However, I wanted to give my blog followers first dibs.  :)   To make a purchase go to:  Mark it on your calendar and I hope to see you soon!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Starting May 22, 2011 and running until May 31, 2011 get 25% off any item(s) you buy from my website at or from  Again, this is only available to followers of my blog!!  If you aren't already a follower, simply start following and you can enjoy these and many other savings!  To those of you who do follow, thanks and enjoy.  Spread the word. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And The Winner Is!

And the winner is... Anne Perry!!  Congratulations!!  Thanks to you all for entering. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thanks Misadventures!

Hey, just wanted to say "Thanks" to Misadventures of a family of 8 for doing a product review for me.  Go check it out!  You could win a free candle, and there's also a coupon code for 15%  off your purchases!!  I can't wait to see who wins!!! :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've decided to give a special discount to all my blog followers!!  This week only (starting March 27-April 2) get 25% off any items in my etsy store  You can follow the link on the right of this page if you like.  Use the code blogger in message to seller section.  In the checkout section choose other payment option and I will send you a revised invoice upon confirmation of your order.  Feel free to spread the word.  Only followers of my blog are eligible.  Happy shopping! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Ideas

The great thing about what I do and the medium I choose to work with is that I can create WHATEVER I want!  With that in mind I just wanted to share my latest idea with you all.  I've been thinking about creating a candle with a pink ribbon - the universal symbol for cancer.  Part of the proceeds I would donate to a cancer charity.  The reasoning behind this is that my mother had breast cancer at the young age of 36.  She was treated successfully, thankfully, and has been clean for almost 30 years.  Yay!  Without advances in cancer research, however, who knows what would have happened.  That is why this is dear to my heart.  (We all know, as well, that this can be genetic.  As soon as I turned 30 I started having mammograms and they haven't found anything yet I'm pleased to share with you all.)  Anyway, haven't made one yet, but in the process.  Thought I'd share the idea and see what u all thought.  Leave my some comments.  I'd love to hear what u think.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An update on Cocoa

As you all know my dog Cocoa was getting really sick with a raw food diet and I was unsure what to do.  I have since talked to the vet and asked about feeding her myself.  Meat, carbs (rice), veggies, and fruit.  She said it should be okay but to make sure I give her a vitamin supplement as well.  So this is what I have been doing and she is doing SO well.  She's been so much more excited about her food lately and also way more energy. Gotta talk to the vet some more and work out some possible kinks, but I think this is what we will be doing from now on.  I always thought I wanted to do this and truly feed her all natural, so here goes!  :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

My poor dog, Cocoa. I changed her food lately - to a raw diet - and she's got so sick. Throwing up. :( I found out after the fact, also, that vets don't really recommend raw food diets anyway. I hope I can get my money back. Even if I don't I'm sad I made her sick with what I thought was a good change. :( Poor baby.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Love Splenda!

A few years ago I was diagnosed with a couple disorders that forced me to give up sugar, and most carbs. :(  I also had to give up caffeine which meant coffee was completely out of the question. :( :(  However, I can still drink decaf.  It's not bad if that's your only option. :)  The one thing I REALLY miss tho, is hazelnut flavoured coffee and creamers.  There's french vanilla flavoured coffee out there, but not hazelnut.  I haven't found any good hazelnut flavoured creamers either that wouldn't be loaded with sugar.  UNTIL NOW!  I LOVE SPLENDA!  They came out with coffee creamer flavours and they have HAZELNUT!  Yaaayyy!  And I don't have to worry about sugar levels.  I'm so excited!!  Yay splenda.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have a wonderful shih tzu beeshon dog.  (Spelling right??)  She's so cute!  She makes my life happy and I laugh every day.  Unfortunately I can't find my pics of her right now, but I'll show them to you whenever I do.  What kind of pets do you have?  Do you have pics somewhere?  I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just letting you all know out there that I am about to have a giveaway on my fb page.  It is for a single listing item in my etsy shop.  We are only 2 away from this giveaway and I can't wait to see who wins!  If you want to be one of the ones selected all you have to do is become a friend.  Simple.  My fb page is:!/profile.php?id=100000926182086
Follow the link, and I hope you win!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Time Crunch

Man, I'm telling you I love to create.  But it's SO HARD to find the time.  Especially when it's not your primary income.  I spread myself so thin.  Even in creating I can't focus on one thing. :s  How do you find the time to create?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hello to all

I create designs for candles.  What do you create?  I'd love to hear from you.  Let me know what you enjoy doing/creating.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Product Lines?

Is it weird to launch a completely different product?  I mean really different from what you've been doing?  I've been thinking of launching a completely different product line.  Have any of you done it?  What's you input?  Right now I make candles, and am thinking of moving towards crocheted items.  Specifically slippers.  Is that weird?  The thing is - and you can agree or disagree - when we are crafters and have that imagination I don't think it's limited.  At least not for me.  My imagination and creativity goes in many different directions and I think why restrain it??  Tell me your opinion!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thank You to all the friends!

One thing I've noticed about fellow crafters is that they are the nicest people!  Even ones interested in buying crafts are nice.  Just wanted to put a shout out to all my social network friends:  Thanks for all the advice and help you've given me.  It's been appreciated!